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4 ISSUE #2 AUG 93 3 SINCLAIR NEWS 3 EDITOR: DARREN RANDLE 3 NEON GRAFIX SOFTWARE 3 BY D MORRIS. MUSIC B 3 CODE,MASTERING AND PACKI 1 |<<|<<|f<|x<> 1 f~~f`ff<~`0~f 1 V DAYS GONE! - FEATURE. 1 SONG BY ST COMPILE@ 1 SINCLAIR NEWS ISSUE #2 AUG 93 1 S * A LITTLE POINT * 1 NEWS2.2 -+ 1 NEWS2.2 1 G Next month we will be going intomore depth, but only if you sendus your opinions. See you then. 1 A This month's top 5. 1 > The mighty SF2 has beenconverted, How does it fare?Well, let me see... 1 : Another classic was U.S GOLD'STapper. Although it featuredpossibly the most annoying soundtrack ever, it still managed tocapture our hearts. 1 9 Other fine examples were thegames from GREMLIN, such asGrumpy,Monty Mole,Sam Stoat toname a few. All these gamesfeatured brilliant 1 1 The Body Guard is also quiteenjoyable, but I found theacting a little 'Flat'. Out onrental. (Warner) >> 7.5/10 1 1 THE RUNNING MAN: FOR INFY LIVES,HOLD DOWN ALL THE KEYS. 1 1 2> FAR AND AWAY (15). A greatadventure story packed with anexcitting story and plenty ofaction, Including a few barefist fights. >> 8.5/10 1 0307$7$5+3 1 0 TEMPLE OF DOOM- TYPE 'JINGO' ONTHE SCORE TABLE FOR INFY LIVES. 1 0 Do you remember some of theturkeys released? U.S GOLD's'THE DEEP' was a clasic... Otherwasted efforts included Virginscomic license 'VIZ', nicegraphics and sound, shame aboutthe swearing and where was thegame? Who knows.... 1 - We also want to hear from you ifyou have any news or adverts forour readers. All adverts areFREE! (Private advertisers only) 1 - Re-Releases: 1 - Not to mention those timelessclassics like Skool Daze andBack to Skool. Never seen on theAmiga, and still as good as any16bit effort for playability. 1 - Another good game was Jason'sJem. Released by Mastertronicway back in 1986. VERY simplegraphics and sound, but VERYplayable and enjoyable. Mindyou, I found one of the caves tobe a little frustrating attimes. 1 , Boy's from the Dwarf! 1 , Another good feature with C.I.Cfims are the SILVER SCREENCOLLECTION POINTS (Save (em upto claim goodies) and the MoviePrograms that come free insidethe box. All 3 films come highlyrecomended. I would like to knowwhere the baseball cap I orderedhas got to 1 + A number of readers have askedif we has any plans todistribute Sam PD Etc. Well,with a bit of luck, in a fewissue time, there should be aSam Coupe section. Although wehave no plans to sell PDsoftware. Sorry! 1 * Have you written a program? Ifyou want to advertised andreviewed, send it on tape or +3disc to me at the usual address. 1 * DARKMAN - `3.99. HITSQUAD. 1 * 1> BEETHOVEN (U). Excellent funfor all the family. Full ofjokes and a simple but enjoyablestory. >> 8/10 1 ) Y.S COVER GAME TURBULENCE: 1 ) Well, basically that's it forthis month. Next month morereviews etc. See you then 1 ) H.K.M.- HOLD DOWN GO ON TITLESCREEN AND DURING PLAY PRESS XTO SKIP A LEVEL. 1 ) 3> SEA OF LOVE (18) `5.99. Anexcellent thriller staring AlPacino. 1 (C) 1993 NEON GRAFIX SOFTWARE 1 ' If we rate anything over 40%then its worth having. Anythingbelow 40 and above 30 is a bitdodgy, but anything below 30 isa total washout! If you want anyof these fine programs, dropme a line at the usual address. 1 ' FILMS OF THE MONTH! 1 ' 1 > Dark Star. (HOW FAST ?!) 2 > Deus Ex Machina. (CLASSIC!) 3 > Chase Hq. (VROOM VROOM!) 4 > Eric & the Floaters. (CUTE.)5 > Deathchase. (CRUNCH!) 1 ' 'Sinclair News' is produced forYOU, the reader. So if you haveany moans,groans or compliments,please send them to us. Afterall, we cannot improve thingsunless you tell us. 1 & Time for another selection ofPORKY pokes and cheats.... 1 & PASSWORDS FOR SUPER CARS: LEVEL2- ODIE, LEVEL 3- BIGC. 1 & Our Fave films this month areout on the C.I.C home videolabel for around `10-`12. Lookout for the new boxes. 1 % You may notice the 'odd' numberlaying about the place. This isnot my fault, but my +3's. Ithas this nasty habit of leavingnumbers laying around when I usemy cursors. SORRY! 1 % RED DWARF fans will be pleasedto hear series 1 has finallybeen released. Currently, onBYTE 1 is available, BYTE 2 isto be released August 2nd.Serris one features the originalpilot episode, never repeated onT.V. Now you can relive thoseclasic moments such as Listersaying 'Crap' and the toiletcoming out of the wall. CLASSIC.Each tape: `10.99. (`9.99 fromW.H Smith. On special offer.) This months BEST BUY! >> 10/10 1 % Please send any cheats and tipsto the usual RASPUTIN PDaddress. 1 # Thanks Terry, anyone whodisagrees with all that, DON'Tmoan at me as I didn't write it. 1 # As many years passed, more andmore film licenses werereleased and sadly quite a largenumber of them were crap! Takethe Running Man for example.However, there were still somegood ones. Oceans ROBOCOP stayedat the top of the charts ofmonths! And who couldn't resistCHASE H.Q, possibly the bestversion released was on thehumble Spectrum. 1 " Next month: Erm, Reviews.... 1 " Next month, another look at thelatest releases. 1 ! RUFF 'N' READY: HOLD DOWN'DYLAN' ON THE TITLE SCREEN FORINFINATE LIVES. 1 ! NEWS: A new 'TMG' demo is to bereleased soon. As yet, we havn'trecived our copy but as soon aswe get it, we'll tell you allabout it. PD software creator'Neon Grafix' have created a REDDWARF demo. It costs only 20p,ask for it when ordering if youwant it. It cannot not be foundin any of the PD packs. 1 intoconsideration that every bit theSNES has, the Speccy loses. (Hang on, work it out), thats 16bit opposed it 8bit, I go forthto review. Upon loading you aretreated to the most excellentfront, with good options andnice graphics. A good option isBackgrounds off. Why? You'llsee! So using 3 & 4 or up anddown on the joystick, you canmake your selection. Optionsselected/Corrected, you then canplay either the 'game' (You vSpec) or V's Battle (You vChum). It may be a worth takingtime out to play yourself towork out how the characterswork. Now select fighter etc.MMM, start the tape... OK, Ahthat loaded, this must be theone... NO! AAGGGHHH! (Up popsLucifer-Welcome to multi-loadhell"Ha Ha HA) Lots of loadinglater, playability has alreadylost 1/3. Now, time to let offanger. Again, graphics andpresentation 1 colourgraphics and hardly if no colourclash. 1 becongratulated. Throw out themanual and work out the movesfor yourself! There are a fewproblems with the game, lack ofmoves etc. The main gripe is themulti-load, it could turn youoff. THE RATINGS: 1 andromantic. >> 7.5/10 1 Ye Olde Games Reviews. 1 YOUR GAMES! 1 So first, 1 Sam Coupe. 1 SONICS: 73% 1 Provocative 1 PRESENTATION: 90% 1 PLAYABILITY: 45% 1 OVERALL: 73% It grows on you. 1 Moan's & Groan's! 1 LEVEL 8: NOVEMBER 1 LEVEL 7: TRIANGLE 1 LEVEL 6: MINDBEND 1 LEVEL 5: GAMEOVER 1 LEVEL 4: CODESTAR 1 LEVEL 3: ELECTRIC 1 LEVEL 2: SOFTWARE 1 LEVEL 1: NO CODE 1 It wouldn't be fair to rate thegames in order of merit (1-100 for example), but, in true 'SN'style, we will do it anyway. Ha! 1 IT'S THE POKE SQUAD! 1 I already have SF2 on the SNES(Oh God... Ed.), and I thoughtit would be nice to compare in a'positive' sense. 1 HELTER SKELTER - `3.99. A/GENIC.SKULL & CROSSBONES - `3.99. H/S. 1 BY D MORRIS. MUSIC BY ZUITEK 1 AND FOR A HIDDEN GAME, TYPE IN'WHO AM I' AS THE PASSWORD. 1 A point of interest... 1 =Artists, do you want to see youSCREEN$ in 'Sinclair News'? Eachmonth, we will publish the verybest picture we recieve. Eachwinner will recieve a specialpack of PD software. Send allart work on tape or disc to theusual address. 1 (In no order....) 1 You can also send us yourreviews of new/old games if youwish. 1 This is the second part of ourfeature on the Speccy. Thismonth we look at some of thebest ever Speccy games. 1 This month, our new reviewerTerry, looks at Street Fighter2. 1 One of my favourite games has tobe the amazing DEUS EX MACHINA,about 10 years old now but stillbrilliant. For those who havn'tplayed it, it had an audio tapewhich you played along side ofthe game and the tapeinteracted with the screen.Great stuff, it even featuredthe late Frankie Howerd. A comicgenius. 1 Not much happening on thesoftware front this month.... 1 CODE,MASTERING AND PACKING 1 "NEWS2."+ 1 EDITOR: DARREN RANDLE